Metrical Version of

Psalm 23

The Lord’s my shepherd. That I know,
For He directs me where to go.
With Him I lack no kind of good
If I still follow as I should.

And in His house forevermore
I’ll sing His praise and Him adore.

In greenest pastures I shall lie
Where flowers spread and songbirds fly.
He’ll lead me to a quiet stream
To quench my thirst where fishes teem.

My soul He lifts from trials sore
To gaze with joy on heaven’s door.
The path of righteousness He finds.
Through freedom’s happy world it winds.

Though I descend to shadowed ways
In death’s drear realm, my Lord will raise
His rod and staff to rout the foe
And comfort me in all my woe.

My enemies will watch with dread
When He pours oil upon my head
And honors me with brimming cup,
As seated at His feast I sup.

Both good and mercy He will give
As sure companions while I live.
Then in His house forevermore
I’ll sing His praise and Him adore.


These words were written to replace the original text of an anthem by the English composer Geoffrey Shaw. Shaw's composition, entitled, "The Lord My Pasture Shall Prepare," was intended as a setting for words by Joseph Addison.