Reason for Recent Deletions


I have now deleted all comments on current events that formerly appeared on Saint's-Eye View of the News. It has been several years since I added any new comments and, apart from presentation of evidence that Jesus is coming soon, I do not intend to add any new comments in the future. Why? Because God has lost patience with a sick and sinful world, and divine judgment will soon provide God's own comment on its wretched condition.

My general silence since 2015 has not reflected any failure to recognize the recent tides of evil generated by woke ideology in the West and by the other fanaticisms on the world scene. No, it is undeniable that we live in the midst of an assault upon truth that is both desperate and ruthless. Also, it is undeniable that its ultimate source is Satan, who knows that he has little time remaining before he is cast into outer darkness. For believers in Christ, the upwelling of wickedness is a sign that Christ will come soon and achieve a decisive and eternal victory for goodness.