Signs of the Times
Reasons We Know the Rapture Is Near

Over a century ago, the teachings of the psychotherapist Émile Coué gave rise to the popular saying, "Every day and in every way the world is getting better and better." People then were giddy with optimism that modern technology and government would soon erase the ills of mankind. They believed that progress was the normal flow of human history. But as people today look about them, they see that the world is not getting better and better. It is getting worse and worse.
No wonder that people today are anxious about the future. To what bleak end are all these troubles leading us? What is the outlook for mankind? Can anyone tell us what is going to happen? No scholar or soothsayer can give us the answers. In all the world we find only one reliable source of information about things to come. That source is the Bible, the book which the Creator Himself gave to mankind so that they might understand His workings in history. Fully one fourth of this divinely inspired document is prophecy. So, to find out what lies ahead, we need only consult the Bible.
There we learn that despite God’s gracious provision of salvation through Jesus Christ, the majority who have heard about it in the last two thousand years have refused it. What then is man’s future? Bible prophecy informs us that someday Christ will return to planet Earth and stop all the wickedness that is steadily worsening. Also, it gives us a detailed picture of the world at the time right before the coming of Christ. When we compare that picture with today’s world, we find a perfect match. Everywhere we look, we see developments in line with prophecy. Each is a sign that our age, dominated by evil, is drawing to a close.
When Christ returns, He will descend secretly and, in a single world-sweeping grab, snatch away all of His people to heaven. That exciting prospect for anyone who knows Christ is called the Rapture. The rest of mankind will remain on the earth to suffer a period of horrible divine judgment known as the Tribulation.
- The Darkening Sky Ahead
- The Urgent Need to Study Prophecy
- Seven Easy Signs
- Three More Easy Signs
- Basic Doctrine on Christ's Return
- Parables of the Kingdom
- Pictures of the Last Days
- The Days of Noah
- Parallels with the Days of Noah
- On the Brink of Sorrows
- Worthiness Test
- Church of Philadelphia
- Revival?
- The Rapture and Its Aftermath
- The Seven Churches of Asia
This book is available from as either a paperback or Kindle eBook. Any new copy ordered directly by selecting its main listing on Amazon will be the latest revision, dated 8/17/22. Copies from any other source, even one advertising on Amazon, may not be the latest revision.
The book is © 2020, 2022 Stanley Edgar Rickard (Ed Rickard, the author). All rights reserved.