Stories Rich in Meaning
The Parables of Jesus

Although the parables of Jesus are very memorable and entertaining, many people fail to use them as tests of their own spiritual condition. Yet a deep willingness to learn from them takes the hearer along a straight road to God's blessing, which is the only requirement for true inner peace and joy.
~Parables of the Kingdom
~Parables of the Good Shepherd
~Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
~Parable of the Good Samaritan
~Parables of Judgment
~Parables of the Fig Tree
~Parables of Pleasing God
~Parables of the Lost Being Found
~Parables of Heavenly Reward
~Story of the Rich Man and Lazarus
~Parable of the Importunate Widow
~Parable of the Vineyard
Relevance to the Christian life
Jesus spoke in parables because hidden within these simple stories is profound spiritual truth. For many hearers this truth is inaccessible because their hearts have waxed gross, their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes are closed. Yet His beloved disciples in all times and places can understand the crucial lessons secreted away in the parables and from these draw guidance in their daily walk with God. Why? Because the Holy Spirit enbles them to know and accept the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.
This volume of Stepping-stones is available from as a paperback.
The book is © 2024 Stanley Edgar Rickard (Ed Rickard, the author). All rights reserved.