Daniel Explained
A Commentary on the Book of Daniel
Daniel Explained—one of the most extensively researched commentaries on the Book of Daniel ever written—offers a thorough treatment of both the dramatic episodes and the prophetic visions. For each story about Daniel and his friends, it fills in the historical background and develops spiritual applications. For each prophecy, it furnishes a tightly reasoned interpretation accepting the prophecy as supernatural in origin. Over 460 pages in length, this commentary offers vital information to every reader.

For unbelievers
- It amasses compelling evidence that the book is an authentic writing of Daniel, the great Jewish statesman who lived in the 6th century BC.
- It shows also that his book accurately predicts Jewish experience during the next several centuries.
- It fully explains the riddle of the 69 weeks—the prophecy foretelling when Jesus would come. The solution presented here is the first to prove by correct dates and calculations that the prophecy was exactly fulfilled. It is also the first to let Scripture itself identify the events framing the interval.
Conclusion: The Book of Daniel is divinely inspired.
For believers
- In its analysis of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image, it is the first to establish conclusively what the feet represent. The feet—a picture of the final great empire before Jesus returns—are the United Nations, and the toes are the ten regional governments now embracing virtually all nations of the world.
Conclusion: Jesus' return is drawing near.
For those alive during the Tribulation
- It revives and defends the ancient view of the church that the Antichrist will come from Syro-Iraq.
- It demonstrates that soon after the Tribulation begins, Egypt will attack Syria.
- It sketches out the other horrific opening events of the Tribulation.
Conclusion: You dare not miss the Rapture.
You can see a full outline of the commentary.
Also, you can see Web pages presenting the commentary on chapter 1 in five lessons.
Another available sample is the bibliography.
Fourth Edition
The third edition included a discussion of parallels with Hesiod and Gilgamesh. Also, it showed that partial retreats from the Maccabean thesis do not save it from failure.
These additions appear in the fourth edition as well. Moreover, it provides an extended argument that the Tribulation will be transitional between two dispensations, the Church Age and the Millennial Kingdom, and it explains why Scripture draws a parallel between the Antichrist and Nero, the Roman emperor.
The entire commentary is available from Amazon.com as either a paperback or a hardback. Any new copy ordered directly by selecting its main listing on Amazon will be the latest revision, dated 10/26/22. Copies from any other source, even one advertising on Amazon, may not be the latest revision.
Other Available Books by Ed Rickard
A full listing of these appears on this website.
The commentary on Daniel is © 2007, 2012, 2014, 2020-2022 by Stanley Edgar Rickard (Ed Rickard, the author). All rights reserved.